So What Are You Doing Now?

Now that I have relocated to California, everyone wants to know how I am enjoying “retirement.” I patiently explain that I haven’t “retired,” I am “re-wiring,” looking for a proper balance of work and play, or as my friends in Tourism and Hospitality might say, I am “re-creating”. It might be another full/part-time job in education or something completely different, like working in the wine industry … haven’t decided yet.

In the meantime, I am working for the Fox School at Temple University as an IT Consultant on a part-time basis using all of Alter Hall’s sophisticated technology to stay in touch, attend meetings, and file reports.  I also plan to return to Temple a couple times in the next six months.

I am enjoying this new mode of living.  I work out at a nearby gym early in the morning, return to my home office to respond to e-mail, write reports, do some research or answer calls.  Then I have the rest of the day to travel, do errands, read, swim, visit Enzo, or do whatever else I want to do.  I could get used to this. 🙂