May 2009 marks thirty-seven years at Temple University, first as a graduate student, then as media specialist in the College of Education working in the HPER (no “D”) Instructional Materials Center, then as a succession of assistant and associate deans in the College of HPERD, and finally associate dean for information technology in the Fox School of Business. June 30 will bring the curtain down on my career at Temple University.
This past week my colleagues honored me with a series of events big and small that surprised and flattered me. First there was the “surprise” retirement party at the Draught Horse that drew close to 200 friends and colleagues (photos to follow), then the college named an annual award in my honor … The John DeAngelo Innovative Use of Technology Award. I am pictured below holding the crystral award presented to me by Dean Moshe Porat. The first person to receive the award was Darin Kapanjie in the statistics department. I hope to return in spring to present the award to another deserving faculty member.